2 min readJul 5, 2021


Recent update of Alita network

In September 2020, the concept of Data Economy was first proposed by Alita team. Based on the Alita test chain, a DeFi DApp was developed to provide Data Exchange Service. We are very glad that the concept led the industry boom, and many projects including Ocean Protocol forked this idea to shift trategic focus to construction build Defi data exchange service.

In 2021.2, we started to communicate with Polkadot Ecosystem and had a deeply conversation with the core team, emphasized that based on DataDEX and Alita, we can establish a decentralized exchange network that effectively protects personal privacy data. Also its ecological project forks this idea, which provides services for commercial data based on TEE instead of federated computation. What’s regrettable here is not the respect for innovation, but now Apple, Google, and Microsoft are working hard to confirm the right of personal data at the edge, and the follower in Polkadot ecological is still copying the traditional data-broker model to promote in the decentralized world instead of register the ownership of personal users. Under the traditional model, the broker holds user data and the compliance risk here is still huge.

In 2021.3, the light-paper of DataDEX was updated, in which shows that how to implement a DeFi Data Exchange based on multi computation networks.

The 2021.5 Alita main chain was upgraded, and the main net was technically ready to swap. Due to BG’s approval and scheduling issues, we can only wait for this window to be confirmed as soon as possible.

We are still on the way to protect personal ownership of data.



The world’s first MapReduce framework based on federated computing network supporting Android for privacy-preserving.